Welcome to my travel and photo blog. I love to travel and have been fortunate enough to have made a big dent in seeing the world. My favorite places tend to be the ones most people don’t think about going– Rwanda, Burma, Laos, Ethiopia. All amazing.
If you’re bored, scroll around– I’ve posted travel blogs of my volunteer trips to Africa and Asia, plus a ton of travel photos, and there’s even a handy map of everywhere I’ve been.
Besides traipsing around the globe? I spent 15 years on the ground working with teenagers battling drug, crime and gang issues. Now I’ve graduated to analyzing the big picture, making sure the programs are run as effectively as possible. In my down time I help a ridiculously talented fashion artist run both of her companies. Before all this I worked behind the scenes in TV, and before that created websites for everyone from Mariah Carey to NBC.
Other than that I just live my life. My basic philosophy is live and let live. Life is too short for regrets, or “woulda coulda shouldas,” so do what you want to do. Not in a screw everyone kind of way, but a healthy, “I’m going to live my life and not worry about what anyone else thinks about it” kind of way. I mean seriously, when you’re 112 (god willing) and on your death bed, are you going to give a shit what anyone thought about how you lived your life? Doubt it. That said, I do think we have a responsibility to make the world a better place whenever possible. So do something nice for somebody and live in a way you’ll know that you left this planet a little better than you found it.